n. 怪想法分解为cap+rice,cap是 帽子 ,rice为 大米 ,联想一个情景:大家平时把大米都是放在米缸里或米袋里,但有一个人说,我不用米缸装大米,也不用米袋装大米,我要用帽子来装大米,这个人的这个想法就是怪想法
deserve [dzrv] v. 应得;值得(be entitled to)
【派】statehood(n. 州的状态或地位);stately [ad. /a. 庄重地(的);宏伟地(的)];statement(n. 陈述,声明)
Chris: If you need help, don\'t hesitate to ask me.
Bonnie:I\'d be very glad if you would help.
Chris: I\'d like to wish you every success in your new venture.
Bonnie:Thank you.
Chris: Good luck to you.
silicon [slkn] n. 硅
catalyst [ktlst] n. 催化剂
【例】The cell begins to manufacture viral proteins rather than its own. 细胞开始制造病毒的蛋白质,而不是自己的蛋白质。
【例】The musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry. 乐曲通常都是在很匆忙的情况下即席创作出来的。
comparable [kmprbl] a. (with, to)可比较的,类似的(similar, like);比得上的(capable of or suitable for comparison)
【例】The oven was sealed shut until the bread was fully baked. 烤箱一直密封到面包烤熟为止。
餐厅有今日特餐吗?Do you have today\'s special?
我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?Can I have the same dish as that?
mental [mentl] a. 精神的(spiritual);智力的(intellectual)
With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.
salmon [smn] n. 鲑鱼,大马哈鱼
1)实词:名词 动词 数字 形容词 副词 其中名词,动词和数字使答题内容具体细化;形容词和副词的包装作用可以是答题变得更加华丽。
He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, thecloseness to nature and the gentle pace of living.
【例】A: I'm really disappointed; there are a couple of required courses I have to take before I can take the history class I'm interested in.