【派】spontaneously(ad. 自然地,自发地)
《观察家报》 The Observer:http://www.observer.co.uk
fare [fer] n. 费用(charge)v. 进展(evolve)
dario: i always thought that conditioner was just a gimmick to make people spend more at the supermarket!
【搭】be notorious for 因为…而臭名昭著
【派】underestimate(v. / n. 低估)
coarse [krs] a. 粗(糙)的(*rough)
【例】Chlorine is a corrosive gas that has sharp odor. 氯气是一种味道刺鼻的腐蚀性气体。
【例】She insists she never started out to be a rebel. 她坚持认为自己并非一开始确是个叛逆者。
【记】词根记忆:e+lig(=lect 选择)+ible→能被选择出来的→合格的
Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.
【例】She insists she never started out to be a rebel. 她坚持认为自己并非一开始确是个叛逆者。
【例】The higher the clay content in a sample, the more refined and durable the shapes into which it can be molded. 样品中黏土含量越高,其所能塑成的形状就越精细和持久。
emerald [emrld] n. 绿宝石
Class meeting is held every Thursday. 每周四都举行班会。
cast beyond the moon 痴心妄想; 胡乱猜测, 想入非非
cover oneself with the moon 露宿(指流浪汉与失业者)