[bri:d]n. 品种;v. 教养;繁殖;酿成
【例】The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom. 古埃及人带着泥制的蜂箱,可能是乘着筏子,沿尼罗河而下以寻找花源。
brian: water of course!
dario: why would you take water to an island? islands are surrounded by water.
on diggity (adj)
[klent]v. 握紧;咬紧(牙关等);n. 牢牢抓住;钉紧
Another good source is advertisements or menus, which tend to use short, colloquial text.广告和菜单也很不错,因为它们都使用了简短而通俗的词句。To use this expression is not offensive, but language is very colloquial.使用这个表达不会很冒犯别人,但是这种说法是非常口语化的。The words \"work\" and \"power\" are often confused or interchanged in colloquial use.在日常口语中,功和功率常被混淆或相互作用。The language of this poem is colloquial, but it is deep in the understanding of human emotions.这首诗语言通俗,但是它对人类感情的揭示却很有深度。
Can he be very busy now?
lose way v. 减速
[bnd]n. 乐队;带子;波段;v. 用带绑扎