dominant [dmnnt] a. 支配的(predominant),统治的;占优势的(important, outweighing)
【派】radiation(n. 辐射);radiator(n. 暖气装置);radial(a. 放射状的);radiant(a. 光芒四射的)
colonial [klonil] a. 殖民(地)的
As far as I'm concerned, I think a gap year is a good idea for college students.
Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop\'s fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had to climb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, \"I think I can, I think I can.\" At last, the train was over the top of the hill. \"I thought I could, I thought I could,\" chugged the happy little train.
10 .Our products have won a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.
【例】The carpet cushioned the fall of the vase. 地毯缓冲了花瓶的坠落。
【派】sheltered(a. 遮蔽的,受庇护的)