The legs of the table are long.
In today's fast-paced, driven society, much emphasis is placed on the final result of an endeavour. American society places a premium on success; our culture has little tolerance for failures or losers. Within this culture framework it sometimes becomes easy to immediately dismiss failures. However, value is not found only in success. As the examples of the recent Columbia shuttle disaster and the Vietnam War demonsstrates, events that are not successful still have value.
(A)The Internet startup, often using unorthodox methods, quickly made their
第五节 叙述形式的SAT作文 第三节里,大家先容了一种SAT作文的写作套路,这个套路,仅仅是让同学们在面对一个作文题时候能够迅速组织思路,找到一种写作的捷径,但并不是说每一篇SAT作文就必须要这么写。
【例】Greg\'s having a docker on Saturday. [Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ]
Detailed methods
1. Oral English:
A. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.
I can see you. Come here.
He must have been away.
What can I do for you?
How dare you treat us like that!
情态动词无人称和数的变化, 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 \"not\"。 个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式, 过去式用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在或将来。
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
通情达理的同事们一定会回答你:It\'s fine.或That\'s ok.
Actions, not words, reveal a person's or a group's true attitude and intention. This can be witnessed on three different spectrums companies, politicians, and students. It is what each do that truly state the person's or group's values.
I am more and more convinced that our happiness or unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life, than on the nature of those events themselves
eg:sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.
On may 11 , 2002 , opening ceremony of classical art museum of hebi coal industry ( group ) . leads cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony
听译法-角色互换: 三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,大家可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.
F. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.