【记】词根记忆:glaci(冰)+al →冰期的
学到这句话, 让我想到它可以应用在许多日常生活当中. 例如有人想追求你, 你不想答应他但却又不忍心伤害他, 就可以说, \"You are my best friend, but not boyfriend material.\" (你是我最好的朋友, 但却当男朋友的料)
9. I\'m so bogged down on this.
老美常常会说 be bogged down on something, 原指的陷在不可自拔 (bog 原意指泥淖、沼泽, 当动词用指陷入泥淖中) 但我喜欢把片语翻成被某件事搞得焦头烂额. 例如每次期中考试要来的时候, 班上就会听到有人说, \"I\'m really bogged down with school.\" (我被学校的事情搞得焦头烂额了). 在 \"Bring it on\" 这部影片当中, 女主角啦啦队的事情被搞得是焦头烂额, 她这么说的喔, \"I\'m so bogged down on this.\"
10. I\'m jinxed.
以前我都觉得中国人很迷信, 但后来来到美国之后这段我发觉老美其实也不比差, 或许这人类的本能吧! 例如部影片中女主角一直觉得她被咀咒了, 她就一直重覆地说, \"I\'m jinxed.\" \"I\'m cursed.\" 原因无它, 只她在 cheerleading camp (啦啦队夏令营) 时把一件象徵性的物品给掉在地上, 而传说中你只要不小心把它掉在地上, 它就会为你带来坏运.
My fingers are all thumbs.
[字面意思] 我的指头都成了大拇指了。
[说明] 紧张或劳累过度,手指头发僵,不听使唤。昨天打字,工作到晚上12点,今早感觉手指麻木,现在I can\'t operate the keyboard properly; my fingers are all thumbs.
【例】The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation. 这个矛盾在就业形势中显示了出来。
As dad moved, our family moved from the countryside to the city.
Please introduce the general situation of this city to you.
For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take advantage these new opportunities.
Cordelia imitated his guttural tones .
Topic话题 + Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,这三要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的"T+A+A篇章结构"。
Thanks. We\'d been waiting so long.谢谢,大家已等了很久了。
dark of the moon 月黑时
full of the moon 月圆; 满月时
(make) believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese
(要人)相信最荒唐的事; 愚蠢到极点, 愚弄人
英语通俗报纸《每日快报》 The Daily Express:http://www.express.co.uk
【派】alternately(ad. 交替地;间隔地);alternation(n. 交替,轮流)
【例】A: It's the third time this week my roommate had a party in our room. This is really starting to affect my class work. I wonder if I should talk tosomeone at the housing office about changing rooms.