在开始段落,编辑提出了核心观点,并且也给出了thesis statement。
3. 7
本题同时考查平行结构。在either… or的结构中,either和or后面的成分必须一致。
ing the problem. His actions reflected his true intentions.
(A)and other medical specialties
were animals and treated them as such. During the reform period of the Jacksonian era William Iloyd Garrison began to publish his abolitionist newspaper The Liberator. In this newspaper he demanded that the African American slaves be set free immediately, without any compensation to their owners. Because his view on slavery was against the common belief of the population he was not received well. Throughout his life he was given multiple death threats and one of his abolitionist friends was killed. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist after Garrison's time, but she was received in much of the same way. After the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was released, she wrote the book Uncle Tom's Cabin. It was a story of a slave living in the South and the cruelity of his owner. The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light. Many northerners used this book as a weapon against the South's
4. The first term of the sequence above is 2,and every term after the first term is -2 times the preceding term. How many of the first 50 terms of this sequence are less than 100?
3. 67