1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。The law, your contracts, your public protect you, do they? How?法律、合约和公众会保护你。真的会吗?怎么保护?He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country\'s laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.法律保障他们享受自己的权利。His manifesto promised measures to protect them.他在宣言里确保要为他们采取保护措施。The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers任何政府的首要职责都必须是保护纳税人的利益。There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。
When I was a child,I often played football in the street.
【例】This substance has a relatively high ignition temperature of 182 degrees centigrade. 这种物质的燃点相对较高,达到182摄氏度。
A real find for our patients has been the shock-absorbing shoe insert. A cheap but very effective solution. (剑3 Test1 Section4后面缩写为:3-1-4)
Judy: That’s OK. You can tell me more about it next time.
[':diu]a. 听觉的;声音的
【例】We have interviewed twenty-six applicants and none of them are qualified. 大家已经面试了26个申请者,可没有人符合条件。
[gr'vein]n. 加重;恶化
【例】Gloomy people are likely to suffer from a nervous breakdown. 忧郁的人容易精神崩溃。
['w:d]n. 奖;评判;vt. 授予;给与
['dvkit]vt. 提倡;n. 拥护者;提倡者