consult [knslt] v. 请教;商议(counsel);参考,翻阅(refer to)
fell into the student\'s left hand.
\"Well,\" said the judge to the restaurant owner,
\"you\'ve heard his money. You\'ve been well paid for your smells. \"
7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading
【例】We are fortunate that he's consented to share some of his experiences with us. 大家很幸运,他已经同意与大家分享他的一些经历了。
equation [kwen] n. (数学)等式,方程式;相等;均衡
9) Please do not touch the wet paint.
10) John would like to touch some of the sculpture in the art gallery.
【例】A: Do you have your film festival schedule with you? I'd like to find out what's playing this weekend.
have to be checked daily to make sure they are groomed probably. 所有的道路都得每天检查,确保其已清理整洁。
Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky
For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time
【搭】mineral composition 矿物成分
11. Has it been decided where we are to hold the conference? 会议在那里开,决定了吗?>
colonial [klonil] a. 殖民(地)的
buckle [bkl] n. 皮带扣环 v. 扣紧(fasten);变曲
【例】The story emphasized the courage of one man made him a hero in our history books. 大家历史书中的这个故事强调了一个人的勇气能使其成为英雄。
【例】The works written by the female poet are all unadorned and simple. 这位女诗人的作品朴实简练。
The bridge was built last year. 这座桥是去年建造的。
as for sb.
as to sth.
master v.
master a foreign language
master n. 主人
You are my master now.
be essential to sth.
As for me, dictation is essential to mastering English listening comprehension.