4. Jean Valentine's daughter said that she had decided to write another book, although no publication date was given.
B选项,不仅符合the more… the more结构,同时主语we和未划线部分的our相匹配。
在该段落结束的地方,编辑也重复了thesisstatement的内容,但和第二段的重复保持了措辞的区别,虽然核心意思是一回事(These important changes show the value that can come from failure)。
3分作文: Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle was not successful but was valuable. The Columbia disaster it was really sad that the Columbia blew up and the astronauts died. I saw it on my TV and cried. They found pieces for days and days all over Texas. But it was valuable like that Challenger that blew up a long time ago because it makes us want to get it right. We want to fix it so it doesn't happen again and so regular people can go to space like that kid from N*Synch tried to do. And so we will keep going to space and getting satellites for satellite TV and spying and stuff. And so NASA and the President are going to go to Mars next. Something not successful can still have value because we will go to space even if theColumbia disaster happened. 【点评】 这是一篇让人哭笑不得的跑题作文,能拿3分也足以说明SAT作文给分还是很宽松的。
Well, monkey see, monkey do. (是嘛,真是东施效颦。)
First come, first served. *“按到达的顺序”、“按报名顺序”,直译是“个来的,个供应”。
(C)but also accurately
Given her situation, this is a very intelligent and rational decision, for it provides her with ...
B:Janice。this is James,our manager assistant. James,this is Janice.
1. Among the accomplishments of President James Knox Polk are the creation of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and purchasing the Oregon territory.
A选项中,not only后面是动词(win),而but also后为一个完整句子,故A必错。
【知新】智能手机用英语可不能说intelligent phone,而要用smartphone表示。“我注意到你买了一部新的智能手机”就可以表示为I noticed that you\'ve got a new smart phone. have got sth.是口语中“拥有,买到”的地道表达。
3. For days, one of the Olympic favourites were swimming so slowly that her coaches thought she was hurt.