He listens to the English news twice a day.
5. feel like eating
有学生问过我这样的问题,为什么别人总能凭着感觉猜对答案而自己总是猜错?这就涉及到了两个字 语感 。很多时候说不出道理,却有很强烈的感觉知道正确答案。语感好了,做题的正确率自然就高了。而这种语感从何而来呢?简单的方式就是背诵。教科书,太枯燥,不想背。而新概念简单、有趣、当然更好背,可以轻松提高 修为 。
You should ask the teacher himself.(作宾语同位语)
【例】What brand of cola do you like? 你喜欢喝什么牌子的可乐?
A; so your country is fairly rich.
B: I think we are richer than most countries, but not as rich as countries in western Europe. Our biggest problem at the moment is unemployment, which is roughly 8%. It has doubled over the last four years.
A: unemployment in my country is a fraction of that.
A: what’s “pi”?
B: that’s the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, I think.
4 I\'m the new guy in Marketing. 我是行销部的新人。
['ltitju:d]n. 海拔;[pl.]高地
begin as 起初作为,开始时作为
【例】The museum drew on its archive colllection for its exhibition. 博物馆为了展览使用了收藏的档案。
A: I think our cooperation will be great.
【例】Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees? 大家在树下阴凉处休息一下好吗?
【例】Don't bounce on the bed, you'll break the springs! 别在床上乱蹦,你会把弹簧弄断的。