hatch [ht] vt. 孵化,孵出
【例】Mineral water is the best way to quench one's thirst. 矿泉水是解渴的最佳方式。
legitimate [ldtmt] a. 合法的(legal);正当的 v. (使)合法
classic [klsk] a. 经典的;典型的(typical) n. 经典作品(a work of enduring excellence);[pl.] 古典文学
paramount [prmant] a. 至上的,极为重要的(foremost)
【例】The story emphasized the courage of one man made him a hero in our history books. 大家历史书中的这个故事强调了一个人的勇气能使其成为英雄。
【例】A perceptive scholar questioned the professor's theory. 一位有洞察力的学者质疑这个教授的理论。
【例】She had no formal education in mathematics. 她没有受过有关数学的正规教育。
A: I noticed you haven't been getting along well with your roommate lately.
mammal [mml] n. 哺乳动物
【例】A vague air of mystery envelops them. 一种模糊的神秘感笼罩着他们。//The language of the charters was vague. 宪章中的语言含混不清。
【例】She insists she never started out to be a rebel. 她坚持认为自己并非一开始确是个叛逆者。
【例】An aquifer is an underground layer of rock or sediment that haspores or holes in it. 含水土层是指地下有小孔或洞的岩石或沉积物层。