这道题属于物品题,物品的题目也是一个常考点,但是准备的面比较广,可能会出成:a type of pet (Longman p.52),a kind of game (Longman p.72),your important gift (Longman p.64),咱们可以从两个角度去答题:对物品本身的简单描述 + 物品的来源或是重要意义,如描述宠物可以说: ‘ coz he keeps me company, when I was sad, he was always by my side.’
instruction [nstrkn] n. 教导;[常pl.]用法说明(directions);指示(indication)
8. It was proved wrong to say things like that. 已经证明那种讲法是不对的。
simply [smpli] ad. 简单地(clearly);简直;只不过(little more than)
【例】The purpose of a poem need not inform the reader of anything, but rather to evoke feelings, to create a sensual pleasing experience. 诗不需要让读者了解什么,其目的应该是激发情感,产生感官上的愉悦体验。
fasten [fsn] vt. 强加于(impose);使固定(fix);系(tie)
【例】Such kinds of foods are assimilated much more easily than others. 这种食物比其他食物更容易吸取。
【例】At a depth of 5 atmospheres nitrogen causes symptoms resembbling alcohol intoxication. 在5个大气压的深度,氮会导致类似醉酒的症状。
【例】H. D.'s industry and literary achievement are lust beginning to be recognized and appreciated. HD的勤奋和文学成就开始得到人们的认可和赏识。
Korea has been a target of threats and slanders from the major western powers.
【搭】have the ability to do sth. 有做…事的能力;academic ability 学习能力,研究能力
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