【例】The thief managed to open the coffer, but it turned out to be empty. 小偷设法打开了保险柜,却发现里面空空如也。
【例】If we take the bypass, we'll avoid the town centre. 大家走小路的话,就能绕开镇中心。
【例】You can withdraw cash from a cashpoint machine with a cashcard. 你可以用提款卡在取款机上提取现金。
[bi'heiv]vi. 表现,举止
第三, 三周计划。本书为考生制订了科学的“三周(21 天)备考计划”,帮助考生“有规划、高效率”地准备雅思考试。
iv. Result
【派】commentator(n. 评论员;讲解员)
['bsnt]a. 不在场的;心不在焉的
The collection of our school library is 200% up compared with 1998.
a- …的alight(a. 点着的)
【例】The Aeronautics Building is on the left side of the university campus. 这所大学的航空学大楼位于校园的左侧。
表示年、月、日时,要将年份放在最后,用逗号和月、日隔开,如1998年7月1日写作July 1,1998或1 July,1998。
【例】Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中难免出错。
【例】If you do not know a word, you can look to the picture in this book for a clue to
The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water with the Rio Grande falling to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2000, pitting region against region as they vie for water sources. With many parts of the globe running dry through drought and increased water consumption, there is now talk of water being the new oil.