1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
教皇说,美国人民一直是个充满希翼的民族。 他对在场的信徒说,他们的祖先带着发现新自由和新机会的期待来到美国。
(B)problems with chewing can result from an extraction
这篇作文也反映了编辑的语言使用技巧和遣词造句能力,如places a premium on success, dismiss failures, horrific failure等等。
Another unsuccessful endeavour was the Vietnam War. America sent troops to Vietnam to prevent the country from becoming Communist. However, after many years of struggle, the troops were withdrawn and Vietnam fell to the Communist party. But this failure had much value. On one hand, our failure in Vietnam led to an important lesson in successful war strategy. The experience of the fierce guerrilla warled to changes in tactics that later helped America in other conflicts. Also, the Vietnam failure helped change the American culture. People protested the war and the government responded to the voice of the public. These important changes show the value that can come from failure.
例:The contents of this book are more interesting than those of that book.
(D)are no different for girls than those who are boys
C在but also后面接的是副词accurately,也和前面的部分不平行。
Let\'s get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don\'t just talk. Let\'s get started.
(D)Different from many female poets who preceded her, Emily Dickinson's poetry
(B)Comparing the population of China with America, we see that the population of China is
4.first fruits 初成果
据《圣经》记载,古代希伯来人总是用早成熟并收获的瓜果或其他农产品来祭祀上帝。1382年,英国神学家、欧洲宗教改革运动的先驱约翰?威克里夫(John Wycliffe, 1330~1384)在他翻译的《圣经?旧约》中把用以祭祀上帝的“初熟之物”译成first fruits。后来,此俗语多被用于喻义,表示“(工作、活动等的)初成果或初步收益”。
C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.
7. The largest square above has side of length 9 and is divided into two shaded rectangles and two smaller squares labeled I and II. The shaded rectangles each have an area of 18,and the lengths of the sides of thesquares are integers. What is the area of square II if its area is lager than the area of square I?
Many a student and teacher is…
One of the biggest recent scandals in the business world involved many executives from Enron. These men were focusedon how much they could produce, on how much money they could make for themselves. To increase their production, they engaged in risky, illegal, and unethical business practices that eventually led to the total destruction of the entire company and ruined the lives thousands of Enron employees and investors. Although the dollar value of these men may have been very high at one time, their current value and worth has plummeted. If we think of value in another sense, with a humanitarian or social slant, it becomes even more obvious that these men now have little worth in the eyes of their peers, former employees, and former stockholders. The Enron executives should have focused on making a quality product rather than on quantity in order to maintain a successful company along with satisfied employees and stockholders.