Douglas Laycock说:“以一种推广犹太人和基督教经典著作的方式发布这十条法令,特别是在一所公立学校里面,这是对宪法的一种亵渎。”父母们有权利送他们的孩子去学校而不被要求改变信仰。
[eip]n. 猿;vt. 模仿
【例】The Human Genome Project is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme, which landed a man on the moon. 人类基因工程是继阿波罗登月计划后最具雄心的科学项目。
['keit]v. 满足需要(或欲望);提供饮食及服务
【例】It is essential to reserve a computer three days in advance if you want to use one. 如果你想使用电脑,最好提前3天预订。
【例】These temporary hive extensions conttain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey. 临时扩充的蜂箱里有用来让蜜蜂贮存蜂蜜的空蜂巢。
Take a passion to study history you will discover that many countries have so many amazing secrets, stories and knowledge to offer.
Elderly people have so much to offer young people in terms of their experience. Younger generations cannot understand their history and background without the knowledge of the people who came before them and actually lived through those events.
Longevity in Japan is notably more pronounced in the countryside and in small towns such as Kamaishi, where the pace of life is less stressful than in themetropolis.
1 I\'m here to report for employment. 我来报到上班。
chemi 化学chemical(a. 化学的)