paramount [prmant] a. 至上的,极为重要的(foremost)
【例】The oceanic islands of the Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. 太平洋上的海岛是地球上最与世隔绝的地方。//A folk culture is small, isolated and cohesive. 民俗学问的规模小,独一无二且有凝聚性。
journal [drnl] n. 定期刊物,杂志;日记,日志
keen [kin] a. 灵敏的,敏锐的(sharp)
【参】customary(a. 合乎惯例的)
documentation [dkjumenten] n. 文件(file)
【例】The potters replaced the imports with comparable domestic goods. 制陶工人用类似的国内产品替代了进口品。
【例】I decided to call landlord on how much the apartment would cost. 我决定给房东打电话,问这间公寓的租金是多少。
【例】The filling was a soft layer of wool which had been cleaned and separated. 填充物是已经清洗并分拣好了的柔软的羊毛。
【搭】water intoxication 水中毒
【派】expressively(ad. 表现地);expressiveness(n. 表现,表示)
【搭】dairy product 乳制品;dairy cattle 乳牛;dairy farming 乳品业
【例】If a volcano erupts, some of the Earth's interior heat escapes to the surface. 假如火山喷发,地球内部的一些热量就会逃逸到地表。
【例】The village chief dealt with land disputes and religious affairs. 村长负责处理土地纠纷和宗教事务。//It would be hard to dispute that he manipulated space extremely well. 他对空间的操控十分娴熟,这一点难以辩驳。