【派】economize(vi. 节俭);economic(a. 经济学的;[pl.]n. 经济学);economical(a. 经济的;节约的)
【例】The windmill has been used to pump water and grind grains. 磨坊被用来泵水和碾谷子。
【搭】spiral galaxy 漩涡星云;spiral thread 螺旋丝
script [skrpt] n. 脚本;文字体系(writing, manuscript)
【例】Some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't knowmuch about cars, might try to overcharge that person. 一些汽车修理工假如认为某人对车不太了解,就会设法多收这个人的钱。
【参】dispel(vt. 驱散);impel(vt. 推动);repel(vt. 击退);expel(v. 解雇)
B: I have lost count. But I can do it with my eyes closed.
【例】The story emphasized the courage of one man made him a hero in our history books. 大家历史书中的这个故事强调了一个人的勇气能使其成为英雄。
【派】engaged(a. 忙碌的)
【例】Although this might seem to be a digression, the professor is using an example to explain why plants that are grown in water must have gas bubbled through the water. 表面看来这好像是题外话,实际上教授是在用这个例子来说明水生植物为何必须在水中产生气泡。
【派】compelling(a. 引人注目的)
【例】The term virus is derived from the Latin word for poison or slime. Virus(病毒)这个词起源于拉丁文毒药或黏液。
【例】Without Julie's photograph, no visual record of the work would exist. 假如没有朱莉的照片,就不会存在这个视觉记录作品了。
soil erosion. 卵石的垂直运动并非只是土壤侵蚀的结果。
sphere [sfr] n. 球(体)(ball, globe)