He will always phone others to go partying with him. He spends his weekends at arcades and restaurants eating lavish dinners. One thing he doesn't do is studying. That was the thing he initially set out to do.
In a society hat judges self-worth on productivity, it is no wonder we fall prey to the misconception that the more we do, the more we're worth.
To prepare for the final examination, the room was crowded. [×]
(E)x+y=6 0.1x+0.25y=30
They see old memories as a chance to reckon with the past and integrate past and present.
3. All positive integers appear in the sequence above and each positive integer k apppears in the sequence k times. In the sequence, each term after the first is greater than or equal to each of the terms before it. If the integer 12 first appears in the sequence as the nth term, what is the value of n?
两个人物,黑白对比,各占满满一段,其篇幅之重,使得文章更像是一篇文学论文,而论述的视角也不同于平时的common sense。
Plan and write an essay in which you develop yourpoint of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
is generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
例:Each student in a group of 30 students studies Italian, Spanish, or both.The total number of students studying Italian is three more than the total number of students studying Spanish.If the number of stud