About 200 years ago, the United States' economy was growing quickly, mainly because of a booming trade in grain and cotton. 大约200年前,美国经济迅速发展,主要是因为谷物和棉花的贸易兴旺。
【例】He's an authority on energy sources. 他是能源方面的权威人士。//Your professor should have the authority to get something done about it. 你的教授应该有权让人对此采取shrunk so much that I can't wear it.
venture [ventr] n. 冒险,投机(gamble) v. 冒险(risk)
【记】在拉丁文中veto的意思是“我不准”(I forbid),在英语里则表示“否决”或“否决权”
【例】Many foreigners are curiousabout the cultural phenomena when they first pay a visit to America. 很多外国人初次拜访美国时都会对其学问现象感到困惑。
【例】Because it spends a lot of time in the intense tropical sun, the grassmouse has also evolved two separate safeguards against the sun's ultraviolet radiation. 由于草鼠长时间待在强烈的热带阳光下,它演化出了两套防止紫外线辐射的安全措施。//When the quartz crystal in a heater vibrates at a particular frequency, its energy is turned into infrared radiation. 加热器中的石英晶体以某个频率振动时,其能量就能转化为红外辐射。
edifice [edfs] n. 高大的或宏伟的建筑物
episode [epsod] n. 一段时期(period);(电视剧的)一集;一段情节
【搭】wrap up 聚精会神;完成
【例】The carpet cushioned the fall of the vase. 地毯缓冲了花瓶的坠落。
【例】All the statues along the road seems perfectly designed for thegrand religious perception the local people often had there. 路旁所有的雕像似乎完全是为迎合当地人拥有的宏大宗教观念而设计的。
【搭】analyzing the data 分析数据;
【例】Over 25,000 islands are scattered across the surface of the Pacific. 太平洋上散布着超过2.5万座岛屿。
【搭】complain about 抱怨;申诉…;complain to 向…抱怨
B: I want to clip a couple of articles first.
compare to 比喻为,把…比作;with compare 无与伦比