英语学习 和月亮有关的英语词句
She is over the moon about the two holidays。连着两个节假日,她高兴极了。(呵呵,的确让人感到over the moon呢。)
fade [fed] v. 褪色;凋谢(wither);消失(*disappear from, vanish)
【例】The lithosphere is divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes. 岩石圈分为尺寸和形状不同的十几个岩层。
【派】stability(n. 稳定性);stabilize(vt. 使稳定);unstable(a. 不稳定的)
【例】It extends the scientist's thinking beyond the known facts. 这使科学家的思维超越了已知的事实。
the freshman
axis [kss] n. 轴(shaft)
sand. 当海水撞击到海堤几乎垂直的表面时,卷回了大量的沙子。
【例】Please write a memo to be attached to the notice board when inviting your colleagues to join in the training program. 邀请你的同事参与培训项目时,请写一份备忘录贴在公告板上。
Manager:Mr. Clark, I really appreciate your passion at work.
I think everyone here will be glade to work as your teammates.
Johnson:Thank you. And thank you for showing me around.
Manager:You are welcome.
uff rida (n)
)Topic 话题:即文章的主角是什么。比如讲解某个科学理论、研究某种社会现象,探讨某个历史事件
【例】They are having a brief staff meeting. 他们正在开一个简短的职员会议。
【派】intensity(n. 强度);intensive(a. 密集的;精耕细作的);intensively(ad. 集约地;集中地)
【例】Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power. 很多细菌没有鞭毛,不能靠自身的力量移动。
【例】The neoclassical sculptors seldom held a mallet or chisel in their own hands. 新古典主义的雕塑家很少亲自手持槌棒或凿子。
【例】How are we going to classify a typical politician or business person who engages in unethical practices? 大家怎么分类做事不道德的典型政客或商人?
consult [knslt] v. 请教;商议(counsel);参考,翻阅(refer to)