Actions, not words, reveal a person's or a group's true attitude and intention. This can be witnessed on three different spectrums companies, politicians, and students. It is what each do that truly state the person's or group's values.
An essay in this category demonstrates very little or no mastery, and is severely flawed by ONE OR MORE of the following weaknesses:
Oh no! Uh oh! (Thank you, Homer Simpson!)
An endearing term for a stupid person or dumbass. (You call your friends does when they do something airheaded.)
(B)than did
Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!
Do you really mean it?此话当真?
Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David: Do you really mean it?
9. If we compare the population of China with America over time, we see the Chinese population are increasing.
例:In the decimal representation of 1/k, where 0<1/k<1, the tenths digit is 1, the hundredths digit is 3, and at least one other digit is nonzero.
提示中问的是“Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it?”从大家中国考生的角度看这个问题有点拗口,
选择E后,全句的结构非常完美,可以简化为… at once thrilling because of A and aggravating because of B。不仅形容词平行,同时两个“because of+名词”的结构也做到了完美平行。