Though she\'d lost her job, she saved face by saying she\'d left it willingly.
A:well,everyone has shown up. Allow me to introduce a new comer to you.This is Janice,my new secretary.
国民经济高速度发展the national economy is developing at high speed
Simply place a spoonful of the chicken liver creatively onto the watermelon.
be subject to 隶属于
3、 Check it to my final destination.
好多人一直有一个误区,就是你讲的越快,就代表你说的越流利。 包括自己在内,曾经一度把快和流利混淆,直到有一天我做一个presentation, 讲的不慢,信心饱满地在规定时间之内把想说的全讲了出来。但是后来台下有人抱怨,有些地方讲的太快人家根本没时间反映。不管你观点多新颖,立场多深刻,你连让别人听懂的最基本目的都没达到,那么你的presentation就是失败的。
Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears(热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪)
Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears
W. Churchill
On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.
Think of his new state in life, anyhow .试想,他的新生活是多么惬意啊。
Liu if we were her own child, why don\'t we let liu like mother think? I think, in addition to own a good mother, the second best mother is a teacher. I love my mother, also, I also love my teacher liu! The teacher is the gardener, we are out, the flowers in bud; The teacher is a big tree, the skeletons of green grass; we are under the big tree Teacher is the wide sky, we, is lying in the pieces of white clouds in the sky!!
18.You look under the weather today.你好像不舒服。
212. It doesn't make sense. 这没有意义(不合常理)。
S: Yes. Things certainly have changed since I was a boy. We\'ve developed very quickly.
J: Do you think the trend will continue?
S: I don\'t see why not. We do have some problems, but we are still willing to work hard-and wages aren\'t too high at this point.
151. He is just a child. 他只是个孩子。