[bin]n. 大箱子;仓
【例】Leaving any remaining nonviable tissue may create an environ-ment for bacterial growth. 留下任何残存的死组织都可能为细菌生长创造环境。
树木可以吸取二氧化碳。//The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
Do you speak English?
Do you speak Chinese?
I can speak in English.
Chinese English French
Italian German Spanish
Portuguese Japanese Korean
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.
English language proficiency text 英语测试
I speak only a little English.
I can speak a little Chinese.
It‘s broken.
Well, sorry, I speak broken Enlgish.
Forgive my broken English.
My English still needs work.
How long have you been studying Spanish?
I have been studying English for two years.
I started to learn English since two years ago.
What is your mother tongue?
mother tongue
mother language
native language
I’m a Beijing native.
Beijing Native in New York
Shanghai Native in Tokyo.
Chinese is my native language.
Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.
A: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan. Please call me John.
Kids are not to blame. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time, but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite(仪式)of passage.
【例】Unable to make flame for themselves, the earliest peoples probably stored fire by carrying charcoal in pots. 由于自己不能生火,最早的人类可能是将木炭装在陶罐中来保存火种。
【例】The fires blaze fiercely on the plain. 大火在草原上熊熊燃烧。
['ntmi]n. 剖解学;剖解结构