【例】I seem to recall that the festival got started in the 1930s. 我好像记得20世纪30年代才开始庆祝这个节日。
moist [mst] a. 潮湿的(damp, humid);多雨的(rainy)
【例】I\'ll live park while you get the beer. [University of Texas, Austin, TX]
hike [hak] v. / n. 徒步旅行(walkabout);远足
log in (v)
To defecate.
【例】Hurry up. I gotta log in. [NYU, New York, NY, 1998]
loopy (adj)
Drunk; intoxicated.
【例】He partied all night and then came to the final loopy. [Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ]
【例】He is sympathetic and understanding. 他富有同情心,善解人意。
Aphrodite was not calmed down yet.In grief and despair she flew to Zeus and begged Zeus\' sympathy.Hades was by no means prepared to meet her request.After much dispute anagreement was worked out under which Adonis was to spend half the year above ground with Aphrodite,but the remaining six months in the Elyn Fields.Therefore,in spring time Adonis came back to the loving embrace of Aphrodite ,but when winter came he had to return most reluctantly to Hades.
Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency.
shuttle [tl] n. 航天飞机
horde [hrd] n. 一大群(crowd, swarm)
Faith was one of the few people in the class willing to befriend a new freshman.
sydney white
conductivity [kndktvti] n. 传导性
bounce [bans] v. / n. (使)弹,(使)反弹