Obama mania hits the catwalks of Rome
Mania over President Barack Obama has reached the catwalks of Rome, where a top haute couture designer showed off a kaftan emblazoned with his face and another dedicated a gown of \"hope\" to his wife Michelle.
文章引用运动场上的一句常用语It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.(结果不重要,过程重要)。
等差序列(arithmetic sequence):
(B)by either Europe or Asia
Of course the history books are full of great men and women who are long gone, and no doubt we can all find our personal heroes from their pages. But the dead cannot defend their reputations and so every biography and every film chips away at their greatness. Alexander the Great will never seem so great once we have seen the film.
It was that year that my mind openedand I began to truly become educated. Rather than trying to fill my head with disconnected facts and other people's ideas, I now collect knowledge that I can use to form or change my opinions. And I plan to continue this my whole life, facing new situations with an educated, open mind.
E选项的问题在于用分号把so… that结构分开了。
Do you speak English?
Do you speak Chinese?
I can speak in English.
Chinese English French
Italian German Spanish
Portuguese Japanese Korean
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.
English language proficiency text 英语测试
I speak only a little English.
I can speak a little Chinese.
It‘s broken.
Well, sorry, I speak broken Enlgish.
Forgive my broken English.
My English still needs work.
How long have you been studying Spanish?
I have been studying English for two years.
I started to learn English since two years ago.
What is your mother tongue?
mother tongue
mother language
native language
I’m a Beijing native.
Beijing Native in New York
Shanghai Native in Tokyo.
Chinese is my native language.
Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.
● SAT作文的答题时间
分析:“differ by”是相差多少的意思,并不表明量与量之间确切的大小关系,即|k-n|=4。
may (might) 可以, 表示说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。
1. Hi!Everybody!嗨,大家好!
2. Hello!
3. Good morning/afternoon/Evening!
4. Good morning/goodafternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children!
在实际操作中,许多学生对中心论点和thesis statement都可以很好地把握,关键就是觉得说那几句冠冕堂皇的“废话”很难。
Just as there are exercises to help you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can help you warm up to study English. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up.