A; that sounds quite big! How many people live there?
B; there are about 30 million people in my country. Most of them live in the north.
A: what’s the average income?
B; that’s the really hard to say. I think most people earn about two thousand dollars a month, if you convert the money from our currency into dollars.
古今名人总结的读书方法很多。我最欣赏的是欧阳修的“读书三上法”和董遇的“读书三余法”。所谓“三上”就是指马上,枕上,厕上;所谓“三余”,是指“冬者,岁之余也;夜者,日之余也;雨者,月之余也”。这两种方法劝告人们读书要善于利用零星时间,做到时时可读书,处处能读书,使读书完全生活化。想想看,假如大家能用“三上法”和“三余法”来学外语,还能学不好吗? “三上法”中的马上(on the horse),是指在行进中也不忘读书。大家也可以做到无论走着站着都想英语、学英语、用英语。如:看到一则公益广告“吸烟有害健康”,你就可以在心里把它译成“Smoking will do you harm.”;走在路上看到两个人正在交谈,你就可以用英语问自己:“What are they talking about ?”;在街上碰到两个小孩在踢足球,你就会想:“Two boys are playing football in the street.”枕上(in the sleep),就是你在睡觉时,也可以用英语想:“What have I done today ?”,“How many new words have I learned?”厕上(in the rest room),也就是上厕所也不忘学英语。这时,你可以想,英语中,“厕所”一词有几种表达法?于是你就想到以下几种表达法:①toilet;②rest room;③WC:men\"s room,women\"s room;④lavatory;⑤wash- room等等。所谓“三余”概括起来就是如何利用一切零星时间来读书。大家学外语如果能把一切可以利用的零星时间都利用起来,同样可以学到很多东西。具体做法就是,把要记的短语和句子抄在小纸条上,随身携带,利用茶余饭后、等人、等车、散步等零星时间来记,反复默念或朗读。纸条的内容可以多种多样。
【例】Unable to make flame for themselves, the earliest peoples probably stored fire by carrying charcoal in pots. 由于自己不能生火,最早的人类可能是将木炭装在陶罐中来保存火种。
['kmpli]vt. 达到(目的),完成
【例】Gloomy people are likely to suffer from a nervous breakdown. 忧郁的人容易精神崩溃。
【例】The simplicity of Indian ways of life hasbeen judged an evolutionary adaptation to forest ecology. 印第安人的生活方式很简单,这被认为是对森林生态环境的进化性适应。
B; ok. My next problem is to convert 10000 british pounds into us dollars. What’s the exchange rate at the moment?
A: according to the newspaper, the exchange rate is 1.85 dollars to the pound.
B: that means that 10.000 pounds will buy me 18.500 dollars.
A: what’s the next question.
B; fractions. What’s a quarter and an eighth? That’s three-eights. Easy. The next question is “what are prime numbers?”.
A: I can help you there. Those are numbers that cannot be created by multiplying two whole numbers, apart from the number itself and 1, together.
大学英语口语考试CET Spoken English Test简称CETSET,它是用于测试我国大学生运用英语口语交际的能力的考试。
['ti:vmnt]n. 成就,成绩
【例】The idea of having a single career is
['lkimist]n. 炼金术士
【例】All ceilings will require double-thickness plaster board to be used in the construction. 在建造过程中,所有的天花板都需要使用双层厚的石灰板。