(B)believe that excessive television viewing would be wasteful of
I used to be nervous and afraid of school. I studied all the time, trying to get as many facts as possible into my head. During class, I would break into a sweat in the rare moments that I didn't know an answer, just in case the teacher called on me for that question. Tests would upset my stomach.
is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
这两段文字幽默,但又决不重合现象,因此,非常具有杀伤力。尤其是第三段结尾的一句“I know that's my father's philosophy when my mother poses such questions.”用了两个书面语的大词“philosophy”与“poses questions”,自揭家里的小小尴尬,把阅卷的考官一下子逗笑,高分也就志在必得了。
C是用90年代的hockey fans和50、60年代的hockey作比较,同样不可比。
A hero can be defined as a person who say what he/she thinks when others lack the courage to say it.
编辑的观点可以从第二个方框第二行persuade his/her audience that后面的那句话中找到。
develops a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
That table measures ten feet by five.
The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week.
(D)he does not play an instrument nor has he ever seen it(E)It is without playing an instrument nor having seen it