1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
New manager: And what about that man there?
Secretary: He is our accountant.
New manager: I see you have a coffee bar and a water cooler. The staff here must be vevy comfortable. I think it really helps
(D)she decided that she will write another book
One of the biggest recent scandals in the business world involved many executives from Enron. These men were focusedon how much they could produce, on how much money they could make for themselves. To increase their production, they engaged in risky, illegal, and unethical business practices that eventually led to the total destruction of the entire company and ruined the lives thousands of Enron employees and investors. Although the dollar value of these men may have been very high at one time, their current value and worth has plummeted. If we think of value in another sense, with a humanitarian or social slant, it becomes even more obvious that these men now have little worth in the eyes of their peers, former employees, and former stockholders. The Enron executives should have focused on making a quality product rather than on quantity in order to maintain a successful company along with satisfied employees and stockholders.
例:Mary told her mom that she was pregnant.
●The integer is odd.
and retell the story to your partner.
A Bad Student
Peter\'s father wants to know how his son is getting along in
school. One day he asks him;
\"Peter, how are you getting along in school? What seat
do you have in the class? Does the teacher place you in seats according to your
If your essay does not reflect your original and individual work, your test scores may be canceled.
有关保护英语怎么说的例句1:新法令涵盖了儿童保育、养育和保护的相关内容。The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children印度尼西亚妇女已经获得了现代离婚法的保护,享有和丈夫同等的权利。Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives他们未经允许使用了受版权保护的音乐。They used copyrighted music without permission.该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。The regulations are made to protect women\'s and children\'s rights and interests.化学物质形成了一个抗油污和水渍的保护层。Chemicals form a protective layer that resists both oil and water-based stains.大家必须采取措施保护专利技术。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.