Horses are useful animals.
【例】There are many blind alleys in this town. 这个镇子里有很多死胡同。
['ku:stik]a. 声音(学)的;听觉的
【例】Everytime when you leave your house, make sure the windows and doors are shut, and set the burglar alarm. 每次出门时都应确定门窗已关好,并打开了防盗警铃。
6.be stretched out ?延伸,衣服变形
I leave home for school at 7 every morning.
Period: The First Period
■ Plus Plus:
【例】The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom. 古埃及人带着泥制的蜂箱,可能是乘着筏子,沿尼罗河而下以寻找花源。
The American Revolution was fought for several reasons. One of the most important was the idea that citizens of a country should have a voice in its decisions. The men who led the revolt against Britain wanted to be able to vote. They agreed that a citizen should have a voice in the government that ruled his country. British citizens in the American colonies paid taxes but had no representative in the British Parliament. This lack of representation caused a growing anger in the American colonies.
be imagined from 根据…猜想
[baiu'metriks]n. 生物测定学
His English then was fluent but not colloquial.他的英语讲得很流利,但不够口语化。( colloquial) violent and excited activity.(口语)激烈和兴奋的活动。Use of colloquial adjectives and avoid the use of formal words.用口语化形容词,避免太正式的用词。This is a colloquial expression.这是通俗的口语表达哦。Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.俗语甚至俚语都可能在标准字典中查到,但是字典中会标明它们的性质。
①When Li Ming comes I will tell you.
['tempt]n./vt. 尝试;试图;努力
['strei]ad. 迷路地;误入歧途地