1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
aqua 水aquarium(n. 水族馆)
[bl]n./v. 膨胀;凸出;塞满
['bilti]n. 能力;本领;才能
its meaning. 在这本书里,如果你碰到不认识的单词,可以通过插图来推测它的意思。
The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water with the Rio Grande falling to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2000, pitting region against region as they vie for water sources. With many parts of the globe running dry through drought and increased water consumption, there is now talk of water being the new oil.
A box made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.
['kf]n. 保险箱
Cricket reminds the English of this idyllic rural scene and leisurely pace of life .
【例】They are acrobats with the Albanian State Circus. 他们是阿尔巴尼亚国家马戏团的杂技演员。
【例】The Geneva Bistro is always a popular place in this area. 这家杜松子酒馆在这一带很受欢迎。
McDonald\'s has upped its estimates for the trans fat in its french fries by one-third, according to a published report. The newspaper reports that the company is now reporting that a larger order of its french fries have eight grams of trans fats, rather than the previously-reported six grams.
【派】accumulation(n. 积累;堆积物)
【例】Catastrophes such as fire, flood, drought or epidemic may reduce population sizes in areas involved. 大火、洪水、干旱或流行疾病等大灾难可能会使受灾地区的人口减少。
By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings.