1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】The creation of healthy social environment must address issues such as poverty, pollution, natural resource depletion, social alienation and poor working conditions. 要营造健康的社会环境,不可忽视的问题很多,如贫困、污染、自然资源枯竭、社会关系疏离以及恶劣的工作环境等。
【例】We may be able to alter our genetic inheritance if we so choose. 如果愿意,大家可以改变自己的基因遗传。
[语法]这是一个主从复合句。主句的时态是一般过去时,谓语是feared。that引导的是宾语从句,时态是一般过去将来时,谓语是was about to crush。
I've gotten into the habit of having elevenses, which I picked up from a foreigner I used to work with. It usually involves a cup of tea or coffee, with a cake or some biscuits at around eleven AM.
【例】Dogs have very acute hearing. 狗的听觉很灵敏。
接着从“The state of Texas…water sources”通过一个细节举例 (德克萨斯州的人们正在饱受缺水之苦)来作进一步说明。
学英语要敢于开口。最近,我开始练习口语,才两三个星期的,同事见我说了一句“how are you?”就吃惊道“your English is excellent!”,这真让我下不了台,我不他是在以花言巧语讨好我了。这里“以花言巧语讨好某人”可以用butter someone up来表示,我说了句:
I wish you\'d stop trying to butter me up.
butter someone up 意思是常说的“阿谀奉承,趋承讨好”的意思butter本意是指“黄油、奶油”,在汉语中常用某人嘴上像抹了油一样来形容人很圆滑,很会拍马屁吗?
As an adult it’s a little harder because if something is misconstrued then even the most rational person can get upset.
【例】The story has a certain bizarre interest. 这个故事有一种怪诞的趣味。
Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum in England. Children from five to 16 should be taught about everything from pocket money to pensions, they say. And that was exactly the plan preserved in the Children, Schools and Families bill that was shelved by the government in the so-called “wash-up” earlier this month the rush to legislation before parliament was dismissed. Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum.
▲We don\'t care if a hunting dog smells_____,but we really don\'t want him to smell_____.
A. well; well B. bad; badly C. well; badly D. badly; bad