在SAT平行结构考题中,and是一个非常重要的参考符号。一个平行结构中最后一个平行成分的前面,一般都有个and以表明and后面的部分与前面的平行关系。比如看到and doing,则表示and doing前必至少还有个doing。看到and because从句,则前面必有另外一个because从句。
B:I am very,very excited to meet all of you here.
The transit server analysis the data packet sent by the client or the server, savesthe relevant data, repackages the data, and then sends to the European serveror the client.
brian: you mean what is a good house-warming gift?
dario: yeah, i have been invited to the house-warming party.
brian: you should buy something that you know they don\'t have.
dario: the trouble is that i don\'t know the people very well.
brian: that makes the decision a bit harder.
dario: i could buy towels or a toaster!
brian: they might already have a toaster and you don\'t know what color towels will match their bathroom.
个理论,在学术传统之时,“四联盟”(Four Leage)被写为罗马数字的“四联盟”(IV League)。读英文字母时,“IV” 有著和“Ivy”同样的发音。何种理论是的,到1954年时,“常春藤联盟”(亦是所谓的常春藤团体董事会议:the Council of Ivy Group Presidents)一词被正式沿用。
为了更好的打动读者、加强文章对读者的说服力,编辑会用到很多修辞手法比如metaphor暗喻,simile明喻,appeal to emotion诉诸情感,comparison/contrast比较对比(注意contrast更多强调的是不同点之间的比较),word choice词汇选择,repetition重复,或者propaganda夸大宣传等手法。这些手法会让读者更加深入、有效的了解编辑的观点。
12. That singer's vocal power could be improved by increased lung capacity,greater range, and working on better breath control for demanding pieces.
这些问题现在已经解决了。These problems have now been sorted.他们对这个问题进行了开诚布公的讨论。They had a frank discussion about the issue.研究绕过了一些问题。The research begs a number of questions.不只是我一个人提出了问题。I wasn\'t the only one asking questions大家必须彻底解决这一问题。We have to resolve this matter once and for all他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.可能是物流问题造成了延误。Logistical problems may be causing the delay大家意识到了这个问题。We are cognizant of the problem.这个问题我已经考虑了很多,分析了各种可能的选择。I have given the matter much thought, examining all the possible alternatives该报告对问题进行了比较具有体、准确的描述。This report offered the most specific and accurate de锝锝锝ion of the problems.
关于新工作入职的英语情景对话,对于初入职场的新人,流利地先容自己,能助你迅速融入新环境赢得大家的喜爱,尽快进入工作角色。那么上班第一天,除了说my name is…以外,还可以说些什么呢?一起来看:关于新工作入职的英语情景对话
Mariotto sent an American model down the catwalk draped in the ankle-length, long-sleeved kaftan made of natural fiber. It featured a solemn-faced Obama in red and beige across its entire length and the word \"Change\" written across the bottom.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow