['bsnt]a. 不在场的;心不在焉的
['pruprit]a. 适当的
【例】The batch number is printed on the bottom of each jar. 每个罐口瓶底都印有生产批号。
[bm'bu:]n. 竹子
【例】We are going to take the kids to the new aquarium this weekend. 这周末大家打算带孩子们去新开的水族馆。
fect 做,作affect(vt. 影响)
【例】The total number of jobs advertised in the journal was 120. 这本杂志上刊登了120个职位。
【例】If you have a well balanced diet, then you should be getting all the vitamins that you need for normal daily activity. 如果你饮食均衡合理,就会获得每天日常所需的所有维生素。
【例】The Brazlian Drum Band will be appearing on stage in the next show. 下一个节目将是巴西鼓乐队的表演。
【例】The patient underwent an operation to unblock his coronary artery. 这位病人接受了一次冠状动脉疏通手术。
【例】Biometrics may raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.