1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【派】unauthorised(a. 未经授权的,未批准的);authoritative(a. 有权威性的;命令式的)
【例】This room is used mainly for badminton and aerobics. 这间屋子主要用作羽毛球室,也可以在这里跳健美操。
a- 加强abate(v. 减轻)
He set his face against the scheme from the first.
【例】You should read things that appeal to you. 你应该阅读一些让你感兴趣的东西。
A: It\'s my pleasure to join you.
【例】After trucks collect garbage, the empty bins are put outside of the house. 垃圾车收走垃圾后,空垃圾箱会放在房子外面。
udio Scripts: ... They have the choice of accepting the very favorable terms that another company ... have given them to buy them out. ... Or they could ... offer some new shares if they wanted. But I ... expect they will start trying to find individuals who'd be prepared to back them with some of the capital they need. (5-4-3)
④in earlier times在早期
【例】After the final interview, potential recruits were divided into three categories. 经过最后的面试,可能入选的新学员被分成三类。
My room is three times as large as yours.