是否有回程机票?Do you have areturn ticket to
有的,这就是回程机票。Yes, here itis.
你随身携带多少现金?How much moneydo you have with you?
【例】Some of sizable ice crystals adhere to each other to create a cluster of ice crystals or a snowflake. 一些大小相当的冰晶体粘附在一起,形成一簇冰晶体或一片雪花。
detest [dtest] v. 憎恶(hate)
【例】The whole 150-mile stretch is influenced by tides from the Atlantic Ocean. 整个150英里的路程受到大西洋潮汐的影响。
8,表承接:besides/ furthermore/ moreover/ what's more/ in addition/ additionally
overcharge [ovrtrd] v. 讨价过高,索价过高;使过量装填;渲染,夸张 n. 过高的要价;过重的负担;超载
counterpart [kantrprt] n. 相对物,极相似之人或物(one remarkably similar to another);副本(duplicate)
Then they get more complicated:
1. May the warmest of wishes,happiest of thoughts and friendliest of greetings come to you and stay with you throughout the year.
2. Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy,and all the happy things in life.
3. I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most about and the person that came to mind was you,so I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
4. Another year has come to an end. And it’s nice to have a friend like you to make my every day so great. Thank you my dear friend.
5. When a greeting comes from afar you can’t hear the wishes and can’t see the smile,but you can sense the care that truly comes from the heart. Happy New Year.
6. Everyone says the earth is such a huge place. So,with those billions and billions of people and all,I believe it’s a miracle that I got to know you!
7. If I were in heaven,I’d write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.
8. Remember that there is always someone thinking of you at New Year,whether you get the message or not.
9. A special smile,a special face. A special someone I can’t replace. A special hug,from me to you. A special friendship,I’ve found in you…… Happy New Year,my dear friend.
【参】contend(v. 斗争)
【搭】international trade 国际贸易;the drug trade 毒品交易;the slave trade 奴隶贸易;make a trade 做交易;restraint of trade 贸易管制
obstruct [bstrkt] vt. 妨碍,阻塞(impede, block)
His doctrine contained nothing novel .
compare to 比喻为,把…比作;with compare 无与伦比
导入: 第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favor of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文: 第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论: 第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成\"总分总\"结构)
heading [hedalt] n. 标题