1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【搭】visual aids 直观教具;visual arts 视觉艺术;visual image 可视图像
【例】I'm going to fix some loose shutters on my house. 我计划修理那下家里一些不牢固的百叶窗。
mammal [mml] n. 哺乳动物
【派】sheltered(a. 遮蔽的,受庇护的)
【例】In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. 古时候很多人认为地球是个扁平的圆盘。
【例】The young spiders hatch in mid-spring or early summer. 年轻的蜘蛛在仲春或初夏孵卵。
I wonder ( that ) he did it at last .
Abask sunlight in the face of the earth, make people intoxicated. The sun like a warm spring furnaces, as on the green earth, the golden light. The white clouds in the spring is exceptionally beautiful, like a pentium pony, like the rolling waves, and as the voice of white face. The spring wind like a kindly mother, Buddha with you on the cheek, make you feel comfortable carefree and happy.
【例】All the evidences have proved my appraisal to be correct. 所有的证据都表明我的评价是正确的。
【派】phenomenal(a. 显著的;现象的);phenomenon(n. 现象)
For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take advantage these new opportunities.
摘 要:口语在英语中占有很重要的地位,刚刚踏入初中阶段学习的学生,对英语这门学科有着极大的兴趣,想说而又怕说,或是根本无从下口的现象,阻碍了许多初中生练习口语的机会,甚至因此逐渐对英语学习失去了兴趣,初中生因为功课多,考试压力大等原因,很少有或者几乎没有时间进行英语口语的练习,而英语小品剧的产生为中学生提供了展示自我、练习口语的很好平台。
layer [ler] n. 层,层次
【例】A: I think we should hold our committee meeting in one of the meeting rooms of the library. So far, there're 8 of us who plan to come.