○ out of the question 不可能的;不值得考虑(或讨论)的
○ that is 此处意指“进一步说明,更确切地说”。
It feels strange to be visiting the place again after all these years.
154. I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意。
[联想]appoint sth. (for sth.) 确定或决定某事物
3.He had to supply about £10,000 of his own money to equip the expedition…
They later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration andhonesty of the other speaker.
第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势)
结论:第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)
The house was always decorated with imaginative flower arrangements.
We are what we eat. Our physique and well-being depend on the food that we put into our mouth. I try to eat as healthy as possible. That means more fresh ingredients, less processed food. And binging is defiinitely out of the question. Of course we all have cravings sometimes. For example, I allow myself to indulge and eat a hamburger on occasion, but it only happens a couple of times a year.
A: I can talk about everything.B: Me too.
4有关保护英语怎么说的例句3:法官援引了一项保护难民的国际法。The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.警察在保护自己和他人免遭致命危险。The police were defending themselves and others against mortal danger大家需要保护森林。We need to preserve the forest他们正采取预防措施保护其军队免受化学武器的伤害。They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.他与德国的新关系受新的互不侵犯条约的保护。His new relationship with Germany is enshrined in a new non-aggression treaty之后他就开始了他为出名的工作,即保护并重新装订。Then he began his most famous work, the conservation and rebinding of the Book of Kells和他在一起的时候,她感到一种被人保护的安全感。She felt secure and protected when she was with him我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境保护这个前提。I disagree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment.