1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Neapolitan designer Fausto Sarli on Saturday dedicated the jewel of his collection -- a pinkish gown studded with crystals and lavish swirls -- to U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, saying it represented a light in the desert.
What was the weather like yesterday? Yesterday it rained all day.昨天天气怎样? 昨天下了一天雨。(疑问代词what就表语提问)
You should never reply to unsolicited mail, or even click on the links in the mail.Doing so usually results in more junk mail being sent to you. translations.launchpad.net
(B)Comparing the population of China with America, we see that the population of China is
此句中their显然是指dogs and wolves,但SAT并不这样认为,它认为也有可能是指scientists和dogs,也可能指scientists和wolves。
\"He\'s definitely a fashion icon. He\'s brand new, he\'s a black president, and he\'s so handsome.\"
The air outside has a higher concentration rate than does the air inside the room.
brian: you mean what is a good house-warming gift?
dario: yeah, i have been invited to the house-warming party.
brian: you should buy something that you know they don\'t have.
dario: the trouble is that i don\'t know the people very well.
brian: that makes the decision a bit harder.
dario: i could buy towels or a toaster!
brian: they might already have a toaster and you don\'t know what color towels will match their bathroom.
Registered consultant:Yes, and you should get there early so you can be the frst in line.
However, these emails are actually created and sent by attackers;
His life, which ended prematurely just a few months ago, helps explain why I lovethis country so much, and why I am so hopeful about its future.
If you are interviewing at a bank, wear a classic suit with a beautiful tie orscarf.
圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)的研究人员称,制造抓耳歌曲需要满足五个重要条件。
Based on the two passages, Douglass and Dana differ in their views of the effect of the CivilWar in that Douglass believes that the war has…(观点)