Is the best; performs better than others; leads.
来自玩扑克牌游戏的词汇是:The cards are stacked against you。The cards are stacked against you。这句话是说,你很不利的情况下,的机会很少。下面的例子是说人受了骗:
例句-3: \"Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. And I lost a thousand dollars before I realized the cards were stacked against me. All I could do was pick up the money I had left and walk away.\"
【例】Aristotle considered an object downward or upward motion to be the result of dominant nature of the object. 亚里士多德认为,物体的上下运动是由物体本身所具有的支配性所产生的结果。
acute [kjut] a. 极度的;(事情)激烈的(*intense),剧烈的;敏锐的(keen);严重的
Jasmine:Where are you from?
【派】carelessly(ad. 不注意地;粗心地)
7. It was found difficult for us to understand him. 大家发现要了解他是很难的。
【例】We'll use a buddy system throughout the ride. 大家将在整个驾车程中实行一项伙伴制度。
devotion [dvon] n. 热爱;投入(passion);献身,奉献(dedication)
【派】currently (ad. 如今;普遍地);concurrent(a. 同时发生的);currrency(n. 货币)
Sally:Well, our company has produced textiles for many years,and now we have fifty retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 30% of domestic market.
a. 没精打采的 谐音 懒鬼的 , 联想一个情景:一个懒鬼什么事情都不愿意做,什么事情都不想做,所以每天都是无精打采的
【搭】insurance policy 保险单
Out of sight, out of mind.
[字面意思] 眼不见,心不想。
[说明] 好长一段某人的消息,就不再想到他。汉语\"眼不见,心不烦\"指的是\"希翼不好的事情远离\",只作贬义词用。但英文的说法属中性。
syllable [slbl] n. 音节